The Natural Path - « Making the cloud cool again »
Create sustainable eco-friendly data
September 28, 2020 | The CEO Magazine
« My ultimate dream is to create the world bank of energy. Energy is not infinite and should be mutualized. We need to leave behind a world based on eco-conservation and environmental conservation. »
Rethink Investment In Sustainable Development
August 12, 2020 | Intelligent HQ
« Serge Conesa will be speaker at the Climate Change (CC) Forum, Monaco. The CC event provides a platform for industry leaders to rethink investment in sustainable development, green energy and a new way of integrating AI and Blockchain technology. »
Recipient of the 'Solar Impulse Efficient Solution’ label
July 24, 2020 | Solar Impulse
« A proof of high standards in profitability and sustainability. Sustainable Development Goals of application: 7-Affordable and clean energy, 9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 11-Sustainable cities and communities. »
Ritossa summit - Global family office investment summit
February 21, 2020 | ITU
« Immersion4 will be present at the World’s No.1 Family Office Conference in Saudi Arabia. »
ITU Digital World 2020 - Immersion4 will be Sustainability partner
February 21, 2020 | ITU
« We believe in the power of technology to improve lives everywhere ; This year for the first time we will be a climate neutral event. Our Sustainability partner will be Immersion4. »
Esteemed speaker at Ritossa's Investment Summit
November 10, 2019 | CNBC
« Immersion4 on CNBC Arabia interviewed during the Ritossa global investment summit, at november 2019, where Serge Conesa was talking as an esteemed speaker. »
Forbes - UN ITU World Awards 2019 Shock With Impact
October 10, 2019 | Forbes
« Immersion4 wins the most innovative use of ICT (Information, Communication Tech) award, from the UN International Telecommunications Union (ITU). »
The coalition for energy savings presents Immersion4
September 4, 2019 | Energycoalition
« The coalition strives to make energy efficiency the first consideration of energy and economic policies, and driving force toward a sustainable European Union. Digitization is eating world’s energy. We need to act now. »
Make Las Vegas more sustainable with Immersion4
February 20, 2019 | Technative
« Filmed in Las Vegas in June 2019, local Republican councilwoman Michele Fiore explains how their quest for IT efficiency led them to partner with Immersion4. »
Serge Conesa interviewed on Class CNBC
November 17, 2018 | CNBC
« Four Seasons Resort Dubai (UAE) for 7th Global Family Office Investment Summit « For who wants to make an impact, this is the place to be. »
Serge Conesa interviewed on Class CNBC
June 28, 2018 | Startupticker
« Servers are immersed in an insulating fluid which collects the dissipated heat and transports it into a single point for transformation. In this way the waste heat can be used as an energy source. »
On board with Serge Conesa Immersion4
March 11, 2018 | Futura Mobility
« Imagine a data center where you don’t need high ceilings, infrastructure, or ventilation equipment; welcome to my world. »
June 4, 2018 | Inventions Geneva
« 46th International exhibition of inventions of Geneva – 2018, Awarded by Mr Daniel LOEFFLER, Deputy General Secretary in charge of economic framework of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, to Serge CONESA, for IMMERSION 4 DTM Technology, an innovative solution for cooling electronics and data centers. »

an oil bath to cool servers and reduce footprint
September 1, 2021 | Le Figaro
« We must leave air and water to humanity and provide Ice Coolant to electronics.” Ice Coolant is a dielectric liquid, which doesn’t conduct electricity, and is biodegradable. Its recipe is carefully kept a secret… »
Reduce the energy consumption of computer servers
August 29, 2021 | France Info
« We have developed a liquid in which we immerse all types of servers in ‘aquariums’ that allow the calories generated by the servers to be either removed or recycled. »
Rethink datacenters paradigm with Immersion4
October 7, 2020 | Banque Transatlantique
« Economy circular based, Immersion4 industrial business model enhances nations sovereignty and local economies, in respect with all ecosystems. »
Immersion4 is the new alternative
June 18, 2019 | Cleantech Alps
« DTM – DYNAMIC THERMAL MANAGEMENT technology redefines the Data Center by eliminating the mandatory infrastructure required using air and water for cooling »
The ecological solution for data centers
June 17, 2019 | SNCF
« SNCF is taking many actions in favor of its digital transformation: training, new processes, modernization of tools and structures, or even the use of new technologies for an industry 4.0. »
Data centers are now among the most energy-intensive buildings in the world
May 17, 2019 | Usine Digitale
« Data centers equipped with Immersion 4 can operate up to 125% of their capacity. On the occasion of Viva Tech, which will be held in Paris from May 16 to 18, 2019, the start-up has highlighted its desire to reduce their energy footprint all over the world. »
How does DTM data center technology by Immersion4 works?
March 18, 2019 | Radio DSI
« The liquid will collect the heat 1500 times better than the air maintaining the electronics, whatever its dissipation, at the same defined temperature level. »
Questions to Be Kortalys about Immersion4
March 04, 2019 | Zdnet
« Immersion4 allows us to provide our customers with an innovative French solution for the cooling off their IT equipment’s in respect with the environment. »
May 18, 2018 | Virage Digital
« Datacenters are the buildings consuming the most energy on the planet. It’s becoming clear that the datacenter infrastructure does not have to be ! Just cool the electronics with Immersion4 rather than cool the building ! »
March 16, 2018 | MagIT
« By immersing servers in a secret solution, Immersion4 promises to reduce the energy bill of the data center and pave the way for dense configurations with the most powerful processors. »
July 22, 2018 | Swisslicon Valley
« You can even save space because in the same space you can drag more powerful servers by reducing the energy costs required for cooling by 98%. »
May 26, 2018 | France Info
« Expected growth in the autonomous car market will lead to growth in data consumption. Immersion4 eliminates data center pollution, drastically reduces electricity consumption, and does not consume water ! »
Contact us
Head Quarter
Immersion4 - SA
World Trade Center Lausanne
Av. de Gratta-Paille 2
1018 Lausanne